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Ofsted Good School - Rated May 2023
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Honeywell Primary School

West Worcestershire

Thrive & Supporting Familes


If children have been emotionally thrown off track, either temporarily or over longer periods, Thrive helps us understand the needs being signalled by their behaviour and gives us targeted strategies and activities to help them re-engage.


Cause and effect

Feelings are closely linked to behaviour and emotions are key to the learning process. We can teach children to recognise and notice their sensations and then link these to their emotions and their thoughts. We build their cognitive, relational and physiological regulation systems so that they can see cause and effect and begin to make real choices, with some understanding of their consequences. This is the beginning of being responsible for one’s actions. It has enormous impact on behaviour, on relationships, on being available to learn and on being productive and engaged in human society.


The relationship between a child and a significant adult is an under-recognised and under-used resource, but by using The Thrive Approach we can enhance this relationship, which will bear fruit. It can:


  • help a child get ready to learn
  • enhance their learning
  • build positive relationships between a child and his/her peers
  • improve attainment


We want our children to be ready to learn and sometimes this means they need emotional support and understanding.

Pastoral Care

At Honeywell Primary School we want to help and encourage children to become happy, resilient and confident learners who are skillful in relationships and ready for challenges.

Thrive is a dynamic developmental approach to working with children which supports their emotional and social well-being. It gives those of us in the Pastoral team a ‘lens’ to look through and interpret children’s behaviour enabling us to identify the particular developmental needs being signalled and to choose appropriate, targeted interventions designed to meet those needs.

Our Pastoral Team consists of:

Mrs Louise Fisher

Miss Danielle Burrell