School Development Plan
Priorities and Success Criteria
Explore, Aspire, Achieve
1. To increase pupil numbers across the school – reception cohort 24/25 and mid-year transfers to all year groups.
2. To increase attendance for all pupils and reduce persistence absence across the school.
3. To manage the increasing SEND cohort and ensure that provision matches need for both SEND and Non-SEND pupils.
4. To improve outcomes in reading at the end of KS2 – increase the number of pupils making accelerated progress across the school and ensure that all children who can, reach national expectations at the end of KS2.
Success Criteria
- The 2024/25 Reception intake is 30 children and 20 children have joined the school through in year transfer by the end of 23/24.
- The school’s reputation within the wider community continues to improve with 5 x positive stories in WN and continued social media presence.
- Attendance improves to 94% at the end of the 23/24 academic year and is in line with national averages by the end of 24/25.
- Persistent absence is reduced to >20% by the end of the academic year 23/24 and is in line with national expectations by the end of 24/25.
- Provision balances the needs of those with SEND while challenging all children to meet their potential.
- Expert approaches for children with CCN and autism are part of core provision in all classrooms.
- “Additional curriculum” developments are in place for all children to be excited and challenged.
- Increase the number of children making accelerated progress in reading so that children can reach their aspirational targets at the end of KS2.
- Children develop a love of reading and can all talk to an adult about their favourite books and authors.
- A culture of books and love of reading is evident around the school.