We welcome children from all backgrounds and abilities and you are more than welcome to come and have a look around.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
How to apply for a school place in the normal round of September admissions;
ALL children born between September 1st 2019 and August 31st 2020 need to apply for a place before they can start school in September 2024 as places are not automatically allocated.
Applications can be made online when applications open from 1st September 2023 up until the closing date 15th January 2024 by visiting:
If you do not have access to the internet, application forms are available from the school office, The Worcestershire Hub or by request by calling 01905 822700.
The parents of pupils resident outside Worcestershire, but who wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, must complete an application form provided by the “home” LA. (The “home” LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the Child’s home address.) The “home” LA will ensure that the application details are passed onto Worcestershire LA for consideration in the allocation of school places.
When are decisions made?
School Offer Notification date is the 16th April 2024
In-Year Admissions
Should you wish to transfer your child to our school during the school year you will need to contact School Admissions Team on 01905 844111 or visit their website
Waiting List
Where there are no spaces we hold a waiting list which you are welcome to join.
If you wish your child to be on the waiting list for the next term you will need to confirm this in writing at the beginning of each term. Application letters will be destroyed at the end of the preceding term so the waiting list is accurate and active.
Our admissions policy can be found below.
Worcestershire County Council’s Information for Parents Book on Admissions and Transfers to Schools is available to view online at:
A copy of the book is also available to view in Schools, Libraries and at your Local Worcestershire Hub.
The Information for Parents book contains full details on the application and allocation process, including the over-subscription admission criteria for each school. You are advised to read the book prior to making an application.