Welcome to Foxgloves!

Welcome to Year 6!
Undeniably, the very best year of Primary School!
Year 6 is a huge year for children at Honeywell Primary School. This year, the children will develop their independence further and be more responsible around school as they begin the final steps of their journey towards secondary school.
In May the children will sit their SATs and we work really hard to ensure that all the children have the best opportunity possible to achieve their full potential. However, we also try to ensure that we have lots of fun and laughter along the way and provide the children with some memories that will last a lifetime with our enriched curriculum!
Every member of staff is here to help you to get the very best out of Year 6. We can’t wait to see what this year brings!

Our January focus author is Michael Morpurgo!
We are reading...

Additional Information:
PE is on Tuesday afternoon.
Homework is given out weekly on Friday and due in on the following Wednesday. This will be a combination of spelling, times tables, and Reading Comprehension to prepare the children for the SATS tests they will take in May.
REMINDER: Please encourage your child to read daily. It is still extremely important, even in Year 6, to read. This will help your child develop their comprehension skills and broaden their vocabulary.