Welcome to our Governors Section.
The Local Governing Board are the strategic leaders of our school. We have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. This is reflected in the law, which states that the purpose of maintained school governing bodies is to ‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’.
Our governors have a strong focus on ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, and holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
The Chair of the Local Governing Board is Kaan Can who can be contacted via the school office.
Effective governance is based on six key features:
Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy.
Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance.
People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity.
Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.
Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance
Governance Handbook 2017
Honeywell Primary School is part of Mercian Educational Trust. Information about the overarching governance of the Trust can be found here:
Structure and Governance - Mercian Educational Trust (
The Structure of Governance
Mercian Educational Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is effectively ‘owned’ by the ‘Members’. The Members act much like shareholders in a company holding the Trustees to account and receiving the annual reports.
Formal governance of the Trust is performed by the ‘Trustees’. A full list of Trustees and Members can be found through the link above.
The Trustees delegate executive authority to the executive leadership team which is led by Dafydd Lawday, the CEO of Mercian Educational Trust, and includes the headteachers of the schools within the Trust.
Each school in The Trust has its own Local Governing Board. The Local Governors in Mercian Educational Trust are referred to as the Local Governing Board (LGB). The LGB provide support and challenge to school leaders and assurance to the Trustees Board. They ensure that educational standards are continually improving and compliance to statutory practice. The LGB are accountable to Trustees.
The Chair of Governors is Kaan Can who can be contacted via the school office.
The different categories of governors on our governing body are:
Parent Governors have a child in school at the time of their election, and are elected by the parents with children at the school.
Staff Governors are a member of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues.
Co-opted Governors are appointed on to the governing body by the other members because they come from a specialist group, such as the business community or because they possess a particular skill which can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
These governors have served at any point over the past 12 months:
Kaan Can – Chair of Governors
- Appointed by Election 13.10.22 - 12.10.23
- Appointed as Governor 04.05.22 - 03.05.26
- Register of interests - None declared
Di Brown – Co-Opted Governor
- Appointed by Governing Body on 01.12.18 - 30.11.26
- Register of interests - Previous temporary staff member
Taylor Cornes - Co-Opted Governor
- Appointed by Staff on 25.10.2023 - 25.10.2027
- SEND Governor
- Register of interests - None declared
Dorian Evans - Co-Opted Governor
- Appointed by Staff on 10.05.2023 - 10.05.2027
- Safeguarding Governor
- Register of interests - None declared
Laura Gurney - Co-Opted Governor
- Appointed by Governing Body on 10.05.23 - 09.05.27
- Pupil Premium Governor
- Register of interests - None declared
Emily Lane - Co-Opted Governor
- Appointed by Governing Body on 01.09.24 - 01.09.28
- Register of interests - None declared
Avni Tan - Co-Opted Governor
- Appointed by Governing Body on 10.07.24 - 10.07.28
- Register of interests - None declared
Vikki Sanders
- Appointed by Governing Bod on 14.07.22 - 13.07.26
- Register of interests - Member of staff - Teaching Assistant
Governors who have served over the last 12 months but are no longer members of the Governing body:
Jennifer Appleton - Co-Opted Governor
- Appointed by Staff on 02.09.2020 - 01.09.2024
- Register of interests - None declared
Anthony Fessey - Parent Governor
- Appointed by Parent Election - Unopposed - on 01.03.19 - 28.02.23
- Register of interests - One child attends the school
All Governors to a school’s Governing Body must be elected or appointed.
If you want to be part of Honeywell Primary School Governing Body please inquire about any vacancies.
Contact: Kaan Can, Chair of Governors, on 01905 423228