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Ofsted Good School - Rated May 2023
Honeywell Primary School home page Honeywell Primary School home page

Honeywell Primary School

West Worcestershire



At Honeywell Primary School, our aim is to promote high standards of language and literacy for all pupils. In line with the National Curriculum, we want children to speak with clarity and confidence, to acquire a wide vocabulary and to select their words with care, to develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information and to write clearly, accurately and coherently.  We use high quality texts to explore the written and spoken world and to link ideas across the curriculum.  Oracy is a cohesive element to our connected curriculum.  

 “Without the opportunity to talk about what we are thinking, our written work is likely to be impoverished.”  J Britton Language and Learning 




Reading is a priority at Honeywell. 

Reading is taught daily throughout the school.   

Phonics is taught through the Read Write Inc program in EYFS, Y1 and Y2. Progress is assessed every six weeks and groups adjusted accordingly.  

Reading Comprehension is driven by quality, authentic texts and is structured around ‘reading gems’ (acknowledgement to One Education). This structured approach emphasises defining new vocabulary and daily reading of text to build fluency, understanding and enjoyment.   

Children develop individual and independent reading skills through Accelerated Reader. Children read a wide range of books and personal progress is carefully monitored and supported. Parents and children are encouraged to enjoy reading and sharing books at home. 

Sharing class stories is a powerful time to promote the love of reading and to enjoy books they would not be able to access independently.  

Story assemblies are a wonderful opportunity to share thought provoking picture books that appeal to all readers. 



Children are provided with varied opportunities to write for different purposes and audiences within our connected curriculum. Talk and vocabulary development are integrated into our approach to developing confident and increasingly proficient writers. Quality texts and the wider curriculum provide the stimulus and context for short burst and longer writing opportunities.  We want our children to take pride in what they write, how they express their ideas and how they present their work.  



Implementation Reading

Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics

We teach early reading using the well known phonics scheme 'Read, Write Inc'. Click the video to find out more about how it works and what it looks like.

Parent video: Why read to your child?

Reading is one of the most enjoyable and beneficial activities we can do with our children. This video explains how much difference reading at home can make.

Reading for pleasure at Honeywell Primary School

KS1 and EYFS 'Read with me' and 'Book and biscuit' every Wednesday afternoon with parents.

World Book Day and Author-athon!

Reading for Pleasure at Honeywell

We had a visit from author and conservationist Sarah Roberts. Her book 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' inspired a lot of discussion and work during our whole school environmental STEM focus.