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Ofsted Good School - Rated May 2023
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Honeywell Primary School

West Worcestershire

Pupil Parliament

Pupil Parliament

Honeywell Primary School has recently formed Pupil Parliament is based on real Parliament but in a pupil version with the intention of replicating some of the democratic processes and roles of the British Government.

Purpose of our Pupil Parliament:

  • To develop pupil voice across the school
  • To give the children an experience of democracy and political processes.
  • To enable the children to develop leadership skills
  • To develop collaborative skills and confidence

Pupil Parliament is made of up children from year 1 to year 6 and are elected following a whole school democratic vote during each summer term. The children organise themselves into committees according to the priorities expressed by the wider school community. These committees are:

  • Learning and environment
  • Friendship, happiness and well-being
  • Charities and fundraising
  • Outdoor learning
  • Extra-curricular activities

The children meet regularly to discuss priorities for their committee area and ensure that the voices of their peers are heard and acted upon.

Pupil Parliament visit the Houses of Parliament each year to take part in a tour and ‘Campaigning and Parliament’ Workshop’ which will allows us to further develop the roles of the Pupil Parliament within our school community.

15th June 

We attended the first Sustainability Charter whole MET meeting. We discussed what we could do to be more sustainable across all our schools. It was great to meet like minded people to talk about environmental issues.