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Ofsted Good School - Rated May 2023
Honeywell Primary School home page Honeywell Primary School home page

Honeywell Primary School

West Worcestershire




In history, children learn about people and events in the recent and more distant past in our locality, Britain and in other parts of the world. Exploration of history helps them to develop respect for and tolerance of other people and cultures, and an understanding of some ways in which moral dilemmas can be approached responsibly. We often use real artefacts, trips and visits to stimulate and reinforce our teaching.


In their lessons, for example, our children:


  • look for similarities and differences between life today and in the past;
  • talk and write about what happened and why people acted as they did;
  • find out about the past using different sources of information;
  • make links across different periods of history;
  • use their developing understanding of chronology when talking or writing about the past.