Lunch & Snack Information & Menus
'We are extremely proud that we are able to offer a clean, safe and healthy environment for our students.'
Supplying meals to children are Malvern Catering Services. They provide tasty and healthy hot food which is very well supported.
You can view menus and pay for school meals for your child using the ParentPay system.
School meals are FREE for KS1 children (Reception - Year 2) - these are known as Universal Infant Free School meals (UIFSM), and £12.50 a week for KS2 children (Year 3 - Year 6), payable at the beginning of each week or half-termly payable at the beginning of each half-term.
If you think your child is entitled to free school meals, please click on the link below for full information and application: visit All free school meals applications are treated sensitively and confidentially by staff.
Your child may also bring in a piece of fruit for snack-time, (KS1 will receive a free piece of fruit each day), and a flask/bottle of water for throughout the day. Cans, glass bottles and conventional flasks are not allowed in school.