Late/Absence Procedures
We expect parents to get their children here, on time, every day. For the children it means that they have chance to settle and be ready to learn straight away and it gives them the best chance of fulfilling their potential.
Should your child be too poorly to attend school we ask that you please ring 01905 423228 or email before 9.30am on the day, every day, that your child is absent. The only exception to this is if your child sees a doctor and they are ‘signed-off’ for a period of time. In the event of this happening please call to inform us of the date you would expect them to return. There may be further confirmation required from your doctor in these circumstances and we would let you know if this is the case. Please notify the school as soon as possible if your child has an infectious illness.
Absences not reported to school will be recorded as unauthorised.
Children arriving after 8.55am will be marked as late.
We have a duty to report persistent late/absence to the Education Welfare Officer and all attendance data is sent to the local authority each term.
We ask that you do not book holidays during term time unless there are very exceptional circumstances. Leave of absence forms are available on the website and from the school office. These should be filled in and returned at least 6 weeks before the planned absence.
Year 6 pupils should not apply for leave of absence during the week beginning Monday 11th May as this is SATS week.
Unavoidable medical appointments should be notified in advance to both the office and the class teacher by letter.