Our Mathematical Vision
At Honeywell Primary School we aim to inspire our children to become lifelong learners; demonstrating a love for exploration and enquiry. This is to be achieved through the fulfilment of statutory requirements coupled with rich and purposeful learning opportunities.
Mathematics is an important creative discipline that helps us to understand and be a part of our world. At Honeywell we want all pupils to experience the beauty, power and enjoyment of mathematics and develop a sense of curiosity about the subject.
At Honeywell, we adopt positive ‘can do’ attitudes, believing all children can achieve in mathematics, and teach for secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts.
We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of the learning and provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems before acceleration through new content.
Our Mathematical Aim
At Honeywell we aim for all pupils to:
- Become fluent on the fundamentals of mathematics (see Year by Year curriculum maps) so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar context and to model real-life scenarios.
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.
- Have an appreciation of number and number operations, which enable mental calculations and written procedures to be performed efficiently, fluently and accurately.
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
Our mathematical intent:
- Why not what: The vision of mathematics at Honeywell Primary School embraces the aims and content of the National Curriculum, championing a ‘can do’ attitude and embracing the principles of a mastery approach. All stakeholders can articulate ‘why’ and not just ‘what’ we do or resources that we use.
- Problem solvers: All children have many opportunities – in a lesson, within a unit – to solve problems by applying their mathematical understanding to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios.
- The answer is only the beginning: Mathematical ideas are discussed and reasoned and not passively ‘received’ by pupils.
- Convince Me: Tasks are deliberately designed to encourage children to describe, explain, justify, convince and/or prove.
Our Mathematical Implementation
- The responsive teacher: Children’s mathematical difficulties and misconceptions are identified through immediate same day/ week formative and periodic summative assessment.
- Prevent the Gap: Children’s difficulties and misconceptions are addressed with rapid interventions within the lesson, same day and diagnostic test informed interventions.
- Teach up Keep up: The mathematics timetable prioritises additional curriculum time beyond the mathematics lesson – a ‘Maths on Track (MOT) meeting – to support deliberate practice, consolidation. Pre-teach and/or immediate intervention.
Our Mathematics Lessons
Each lesson focusses on a manageable step of new learning based on the National Curriculum
What a typical lesson looks like:
- Hook it: Introduction to new learning
- Teach it/Practice It: Live modelling of the new learning with explicit use of potential misunderstandings. All children practice together. Support and Challenge
- Do it: Up to 5 examples – 5 ‘What it is/What it’s also’. Challenge 1: Procedural fluency
- Secure It: 1 or 2 misunderstandings (True/False, Spot the mistake) Challenge 2: Conceptual understanding
- Apply It: Reasoning question to allow children to apply new mathematical knowledge: Implement: Long term memory
- Deepen It: Applying understanding to solve new problems. Challenge 3: Mathematical thinking
Honeywell Primary School Maths Ambassadors

The elected Maths Ambassadors have been chosen by their classes to represent them here at Honeywell Primary School. The Ambassadors have been selected for demonstrating a love of mathematics; a genuine passion and interest in making Maths fun and memorable for all children and for showing a willingness to drive Maths forward at Honeywell.
The Maths Ambassadors role will consist of the following:
- Meet regularly with Mrs Reeder to share pupil voice and opinion relating to Maths learning.
- Share ideas and opinions on how to continually improve the provision of Maths at Honeywell
- Assist Mrs Reeder (and members of the Leadership Team) in conducting Maths learning walks and book looks.
I am very proud to introduce these fantastic representatives of Maths to you. I sincerely look forward to my continued working relationship with them and seeing how we, together, can continue to make Maths memorable and enjoyable here at Honeywell.