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Honeywell Primary School

West Worcestershire

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Useful Websites for Extra Home Learning


The BBC Bitesize website has useful resources and games for maths, literacy (including phonics) and science.

Another useful website with interactive games for all areas of the curriculum. The ‘Homework Help’ section is also helpful with information on many topics.

Packed with resources! Many games and activities linked to all curriculum areas. Links to other useful websites are also on here. You can search by subject or Key Stage


A website with many games linked to different areas of literacy learning.

A website some children maybe  familiar with as we use it in school. It links to the phonics phases and has some very good games for helping to consolidate phonics skills.

Another site useful for phonics games and printable activities

Another useful set of games related to literacy/phonics. I especially like Airport X-Ray, Premiership Words and Silly Bull.

Useful reading/phonics games with many areas of learning e.g. alphabetical order, all phonic patterns, rhyme.

Lots of good ideas for supporting with punctuation and other sentence level learning.


Some of the same games also on Top Marks website. Lots of excellent ideas for practising mental maths skills.

Excellent series of games and activities linked to all areas of mathematics. We have used some of the money activities and always use the large hundred square – excellent for supporting all calculations and counting activities.

The nrich website contains many excellent maths challenges for children. The one, two or three stars show how challenging they are. Excellent for getting children to apply their problem solving skills across different areas of mathematics. Again, some of these ideas are adapted for use in the classroom. There is a good ‘student area’ with online activities

Another site with many fun but challenging activities linked to all areas of maths.