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Ofsted Good School - Rated May 2023
Honeywell Primary School home page Honeywell Primary School home page

Honeywell Primary School

West Worcestershire


Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education 


PSHE is an integral part of the curriculum and is taught both discreetly and through other curriculum subjects such as Science as well as through assemblies and extra-curricular activities.


It includes the fostering of positive attitudes, qualities, knowledge and understanding, and skills and abilities, relating to the children themselves, and everyone around them.


PSHE also promotes consideration and tolerance and aims to prepare the children for the choices they will face as they grow up.  This includes developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities, preparing to play an active role as a citizen, developing a healthy, safer lifestyle and developing good relationships and respecting difference.


Sex and Relationships Education is taught at an age appropriate level where great emphasis is placed on relationships. (Parents are welcome to discuss this with the Head Teacher, should they have any concerns or queries.) Consideration for family, personal relationships, appropriate behaviour and use of language is also covered. 


Children have opportunities to participate in weekly “Circle Time” sessions. These are a time when teachers organise activities or discussions which enable children to discuss openly a variety of issues. These are sometimes suggested by the children themselves relating to specific problems which concern them.  Through discussion the children learn to be quietly assertive, tolerant and respectful of the thoughts and feelings of others and develop skills of tolerance, fairness and understanding.


Above all, we aim to help children develop as well balanced, kind, hard-working, cheerful and moral individuals who feel secure and safe in school.